About Image Creation and Attribution

This page provides information about the creation of images used on this website and their attributions.

Image Creation

The data presented on this site are the work of the Janelia FlyLight Project Team and the laboratories of Jim Truman and Marta Zlatic.

The data consist of images of split-GAL4 lines and Generation 1 LexA lines selected for specific expression in the third-instar larval CNS (see Figure 1 Supplemental file 1).

3D TIFF stacks of a specific image can be downloaded by selecting an image, or gzipped archive of all images for a line can be downloaded by selecting the line name.


You may use images from this website under a CC BY 4.0 license. Please acknowledge the FlyLight Project Team at Janelia Research Campus for the use of the images. Please also cite the paper below.

In publications, please attribute the data presented on this site to the following paper:
Meissner, G. W., et al. "A split-GAL4 driver line resource for Drosophila CNS cell types." bioRxiv (2024). DOI: 10.1101/2024.01.09.574419